Wash & Fold Laundry Service

JC Coin Laundry offers wash and folds laundry service! Imagine never having to do laundry again. Have it done for you the way you want it.

Imagine never having to do laundry again!

We will wash, dry, fold, and return them to you ready to wear so that you can take care of the more important things. Our attendants are trained to use the best available commercial detergent and softener. Unlike other cleaners, we will sort your laundry by color before washing: dark with darks and light with lights.

Your clothing is washed and dried completely separate from all other orders and all items are immediately hung on hangers or folded as they are removed from the dryers, resulting in a wrinkle-free, fresh-pressed look.

Our laundromat with drop off service uses commercial-grade detergent, Clorox (if needed), hangers, and dryer sheets. The drop off laundry is professionally folded and placed neatly in clear plastic bags. There is a $25  minimum for this service.

Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel but that would only mean more laundry for me.

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